2024 Category-Based Express Entry Draws: A Comprehensive Review

Canada’s Express Entry system underwent significant changes in 2024, focusing on specific job categories to address labor shortages. These changes were particularly impactful in the healthcare, STEM, trades, transport, agriculture, and French-language proficiency sectors.

Detailed Breakdown of ITAs by Category

  • Healthcare: 9,100 invitations
  • STEM: 10,900 invitations
  • Trades: 2,500 invitations
  • Transport: 2,645 invitations
  • Agriculture: 1,150 invitations
  • French proficiency: 21,100 invitations

Key Highlights

  • Healthcare: The sector saw a substantial number of invitations due to ongoing demand for healthcare professionals.
  • STEM: Reflecting Canada’s need for tech professionals, STEM fields received a high number of invitations.
  • French proficiency: The highest number of ITAs were issued to French-speaking candidates, underscoring the importance of bilingualism in Canada.
  • Trades and Transport: These categories received significant invitations to address critical skill shortages.

Future Directions

For the rest of 2024, 78.5% of Express Entry invitations will continue to be category-based. This strategy aligns with Canada’s goal of meeting specific labor market needs and supporting economic growth.



The variation in Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) scores across categories highlights the tailored approach of the draws. For example, French-speaking candidates received the most invitations, which aligns with Canada’s emphasis on bilingualism and the need for skilled professionals in specific sectors.


Why Choose Averou?

Navigating the Express Entry process can be complex, but Averou is here to help. Our expert team can provide you with personalized guidance and support, ensuring you have the best chance of success in your immigration journey. Contact us today to start your path to Canadian immigration.

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