When it comes to bringing your parents and grandparents to Canada, there are a couple of options: the Parent and Grandparent Program (PGP) and the Super Visa. Let’s break down the differences and see which one might be better for you.

What is the Super Visa?

The Super Visa allows parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents to visit Canada for up to five years at a time without renewing their status. It’s a great option for those who want to spend extended time with their family in Canada.

What is the PGP?

The Parent and Grandparent Program (PGP) lets Canadian citizens and permanent residents sponsor their parents and grandparents for permanent residence. This means they can live in Canada permanently, but the application process can be long and competitive due to a high number of applicants and limited spots.

Key Differences

1. Processing Time:

  • Super Visa: Generally quicker to process.
  • PGP: Can take years due to high demand and limited spots.

2. Duration of Stay:

  • Super Visa: Up to five years per visit, with the option to apply for extensions.
  • PGP: Permanent residence allows for indefinite stay.

3. Medical Insurance:

  • Super Visa: Requires private medical insurance from a Canadian company.
  • PGP: No specific insurance requirements, but medical exams are mandatory.

4. Eligibility and Quotas:

  • Super Visa: No annual quotas; eligible applicants can apply at any time.
  • PGP: Limited spots available annually, making it a lottery system for many.

Which One Should You Choose?

Choosing between the Super Visa and the PGP depends on your specific situation. If you need a quicker option and your parents or grandparents are in good health and able to purchase private insurance, the Super Visa might be a better fit. However, if you’re looking for a permanent solution and are willing to navigate a potentially lengthy process, the PGP could be the way to go.


Both the Super Visa and the PGP offer ways to bring your loved ones to Canada. Consider your needs, timeline, and the health and financial situation of your parents or grandparents to make the best choice.

Ready to bring your family to Canada?

Averou is here to help you navigate the immigration process. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us assist you in making the best choice for your family’s future in Canada.